Chilean musician dedicated to the performance, premiere and recording of experimental and contemporary music. He serves as curator of the experimental music festival Relincha, in Valdivia, Chile and he conducts, along with Santiago Astaburuaga, LOTE, ensemble whose work is based on performing and premiering experimental scores. Constantly performing in Chile as well at international festivals and concert venues in Europe, South America and Asia, over recent years he has concentrated its efforts in performing educational concerts in rural areas of the Los Lagos region, in southern Chile. His work has been published by Edition Wandelweiser Records (DE), Irritable Hedgehog (US), Another Timbre (UK), Potlatch (FR), 1000Füssler (DE), Mappa (SK), Lengua de Lava (MX), Caduc (CA) and B-Boim Records (Austria) among others.